Public On-line Auction: Lockformer Plasma Table, Cincinnati shear, Mechanical Press Brake, forklifts and more! Online auctions work just like live auctions only the bidding is done from your computer. You simply register and place bids on items you wish to purchase. There is a lot of activity near the end of an online auction so we added a “max bid” feature that allows you have a maximum bid without raising the current bid. All of our online auctions work much like a live auction. Lots will start to close at the advertised time at a rate of one lot per minute. If there is bidding activity close to the end of the time the lot is to close then bidding will automatically remain open for three additional minutes. This will continue until bidding ceases thus working much like a "live" auction.
Contact us for more information (866) 961-3211. This is a sale of assets surplus to Systems By Lebron's ongoing operations.
Auction Ends: Auction Ends: May 25, 2010 beginning at 10 am CST. This is a staggered ending auction with
lots closing one per
Bid and register online at
LOT 210: Lockformer Vulcan 2900 CNC Plasma Table with 5 ft x 15 ft table with a Hypotherm Powermax 900 power source, air scribe,
exhaust blower and vfd controls. SN: DUL3480
for more information.
LOT 137: Skyjack SJ2-3220 electric platform lift with 800 lbs capacity and 30 inch x 7 ft platform with 36 inch extension, SN: 602755 (Year 1996)
for more information.

LOT 172: Cincinnati 1012 shear: 12 ft, 10 gauge with a 12 ft Automec 1000 CNC front squaring gauge and 36 inch front operated back gauge. SN: 21177
for more information.
LOT 190: Lockformer 14 station duplexer with 52 inch wide bed with continuous mode and jog mode, 10 hp 230/460v 3 phase motor, tooling not included. SN: 14DSC850.
for more information.
LOT 268: Cincinnati No. 7 Mechanical Press Brake SN: 35315 with 12 ft total width, 10 ft between housings, 3 inch stroke, rated capacity at midstroke is 115 ton and 175 ton bottom, machine bed, Unitrol tooling system, variable frequency drive, MC Series Intelligent Drive AC Control, foot control and Ames dial gauge.
for more information.