ASHRAE High-Performance Building Design Professional Certification Now Available.
ATLANTA – ASHRAE’s new certification program provides the necessary training and tools for the design of high-performance buildings that live up to their performance capability.
Registration is now open for ASHRAE’s high-performance building design professional certification. The first exam will take place June 25 at ASHRAE’s 2008 Annual Meeting, June 21-25, Salt Lake City. Exams at testing centers around the world will become available in the fall. For more information or to register, visit
“This new certification program will allow practioners to demonstrate a well-rounded understanding and knowledge of how HVAC&R design is integrated into high-performing buildings to achieve the overall goal of sustainable practice used in green buildings,” Kent Peterson, P.E., ASHRAE president, said. “The program combines the criteria of ASHRAE Standards 90.1 (energy efficiency), 62.1 (ventilation) and 55 (thermal comfort) with the innovative approaches included in the Advanced Energy Design Guide series in an integrated design approach that strives to achieve practical, cost-effective high-performance building designs.”