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Company Offers Immediate Savings and Increased Comfort With Selective Zone Balancing.

Advector Systems ... Getting you into your comfort zone

Advector Systems LLC, an innovative technology manufacturer of wireless HVAC zone control products, announced today the launch of its newly designed web site. The updated site provides demonstrations and details on the SELECT-AIR SYSTEM products that utilize wireless communications and home automation to independently control temperature settings in each room.

"Our products focus on achieving the key objectives of our customers," said Shawn Grennan, Managing Director of Advector Systems. "Home owners and builders are looking to cost effectively increase comfort and HVAC control, decrease energy related costs, and utilize products that positively affect the environment. The launch of the new web site gives visitors the opportunity to learn about the SELECT-AIR SYSTEM and see how it works as well as identify the significant energy savings available for homes and offices."

Conventional HVAC – Costly and Inefficient
Conventional HVAC systems rely on a centralized thermostat that often does not account for airflow patterns or environmental exposure. This results in uneven temperatures that can vary by 15 degrees and leave some occupants hot while others are cold. 

The SELECT-AIR SYSTEM provides a programmable wireless thermostat that communicates with wireless remote thermostats and allows every room to be set at a different temperature based on personal preference. As an added benefit of the system, users will be able to replace outdated metal ceiling registers and costly HVAC damper units with the customized "inVENT" even in applications where wireless automation is not required.

Wireless Technology - Installation Advantages
Many contractors and homeowners have found traditional zoning systems are too costly and difficult to install due to the retrofit process and electrical rework required. The wireless technology of the SELECT-AIR SYSTEM, detailed on the new web site, explains how the product will achieve superior performance and significantly reduce installation time and cost.

Selective Zone Balancing – The Key
Boris Medic, Advector Systems Managing Director and SELECT-AIR SYSTEM designer explains, "The key to the SELECT-AIR SYSTEM's ability to increase energy efficiency is in the design of the inVENT and technology behind the air distribution solution. As demonstrated on the web site, the products were developed based on a detailed study of home airflow properties to provide a perfectly balanced system with maximum efficiency and comfort in selected zone locations." 

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