Break Through Technology to Turn Your A/C into a
Dehumidification Bypass Air System (DBAS)
InnoTek Air is introducing a revolutionary product
that enables HVAC Contractors to turn a Central Air
Conditioner into a dehumidifier while retaining the
cooling properties of the A/C.
Excess humidity is the primary enemy of comfort in
your home OR COMMERCIAL SPACE. It can also cause
significant damage.
A/Cs alone do not deliver the dehumidification
required for true comfort, but with DBAS, they now
The DBAS is a kit added to your Central A/C. When
dehumidification is needed, the DBAS – A/C system
prioritizes dehumidification resulting in a highly
effective dehumidifier. Using an adaptive algorithm,
the DBAS controller gradually accommodates the
cooling load.
DBAS Benefits
Synergizes with your AC to deliver cool, dry air
instead of cold, wet air.
It greatly ENHANCES the A/C’s dehumidification
performance in all North American climate zones.
The DBAS boosts an A/C’s or heat pump’s
dehumidification performance up to a factor of 5 by:
Greatly reducing the amount of time the AC starts
Reaching a lower dewpoint.
Changing sensible energy to latent energy.
How Does It Work?
The DBAS consists of a modulating bypass fan, a
motorized damper, a transformer, and the
Dehumidification Bypass Air Controller (DBAC).
The system is attached directly to a SINGLE OR
2-STAGE split-type cooling system parallel to the
cooling coil.
The DBAS diverts and BYPASSES the air around the
cooling coil so that the coil’s operating
temperature drops SIGNIFICANTLY. The air rejoins the
bypassed air and leaves dry and cool air instead of
cold and wet air.
Product Sheet |