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CheckEZ Inspection Frame -
Introduced by DN Gates Manufacturing

The patented CheckEZ Inspection Frame allows HVAC technicians to inspect the evaporative coil on most any furnace cabinet, making it quicker an easier to take static pressure readings and to inspect the top of the furnace heat exchanger.

The CheckEZ Inspection Frame is a simple, innovative product that is installed between a furnace and the evaporative coil on a split heating and cooling system. The CheckEZ Inspection Frame can be used to do many inspections and tests on a system:

1) Inspection of the evaporative coil using an inspection camera
2) Take temperature rise of the furnace
3) Take static pressure readings before the evaporative coil
4) Take carbon monoxide readings
5) Check the heat exchanger using an inspection camera
6) Makes it easier to install the condensate drain on the evaporative coil
7) Measure system temperature before the coil for calculating the delta t on the system)

See what a CheckEZ Inspection Frame can do for your HVAC techs.

CheckEZ Inspection Frame comes in many sizes to fit all manufactures furnaces and cased coils and will help the HVAC contractor differentiate their company from the competitor.

CheckEZ Inspection Frame will give the homeowner peace of mind knowing their system can be inspected thoroughly every spring and fall to keep the system running at maximum efficiency.

Technicians jobs are easier and service department revenues will grow with the use of a CheckEZ Inspection Frame.

For more information on the CheckEZ Inspection Frame, please visit www.coilinspectionframe.com.

For more information on DN Gates Manufacturing, please visit www.dngates.com.


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