Incenergy First to Offer Thermostat Based Cost of
Cooling Reports for Commercial Building Market.
Wireless Energy Management System Now Enables Facility
Managers to Separate HVAC Cost from Other Energy Use on
the Same Meter.
Incenergy announced availability of a new Cost of
Cooling Reports software feature as part of their
wireless energy management system. These reports allow
calculation of HVAC specific energy use to a market
segment that previously did not have access to this
Isolating the energy costs associated with HVAC use has
previously presented a problem for commercial building
facility managers. HVAC units often don’t have a
dedicated electricity meter, but instead share meters
with a wide variety of other devices. Without the
ability to separate the cost of cooling from other parts
of their utility bill, most facility managers have been
unable to quantify HVAC related energy use and savings.