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Electricity for HVACR - By Joe Moravek
A book written to help a person with no electrical experience or training to understand the operation of HVACR electrical circuits.


This material does not get into the theory of electrical circuits; instead, it provides the fundamental information needed to understand and repair an HVACR system. Therein lies the real goal of this book: to teach the reader how to correctly diagnosis and solve electrical problems. As an aspiring HVACR technician, you will never know it all. There is always something new and interesting to learn. If you are lifetime learner, you will like our profession.

How the Text Is Organized
Electricity for HVACR is divided into 28 progressive units. It is designed with the spiral learning concept, with each new unit building on content learned from the previous unit. The first units begin with fundamentals such as defining terms used in our industry. A unit on the safe use of instruments addresses how to use diagnostic tools and instruments safely. This includes information on purchasing a quality and safe voltage-measuring product. The first half of the book includes many units that discuss the common components found in HVACR systems. These units describe the operation of the electrical components and how to troubleshoot them.

Next, the middle content discusses the symbols and components that make up an electrical diagram. The reader is slowly taken through the process of understanding electrical diagrams. Many examples are used to explain the operating sequence of diagrams.

Unit 16 covers the “green” electronically commutated motor (ECM). This motor represents a great advance in technology. Because this new, advanced technology is not well understood, the goal of the unit is help the learner understand the operation and troubleshooting of ECMs.

Units 21 through 24 describe the sequence of operation for air conditioning, gas heat, electric heat, and heat pump systems, respectively. These units apply what was learned in the preceding 20 units.

The final four units describe the all-important troubleshooting process. Unit 25 discusses how to get started. It offers some basic techniques to help the reader apply troubleshooting skills at the beginning of the search for the problem. Ultimately, this is the goal of this book: learning how to troubleshoot and repair. If a student-tech cannot find and repair an HVACR problem, then this book will help him or her “figure it out.”


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Electricity for HVACR has many special features, but the 14 enlarged electrical diagrams that are included with the book make it stand out from other HVACR books. These are referred to as Electrical Diagram ED-1, ED-2, etc. It can be difficult to read textbook diagrams because they are limited by the size of the page. Printing a two-page diagram on facing pages is possible, but the break between the pages makes the diagrams difficult to follow, which creates a problem for the user. For these reasons, we have included 14 enlarged electrical diagrams that are much easier for the learner to follow during discussions by the instructor or when working with the detailed information in each unit.

The electrical diagrams are actual diagrams one might come across in the field. The diagrams cover the gamut of the HVACR field, including gas heat, electric heat, and heat pumps, and residential, commercial and industrial air conditioning
systems, including chilled water systems. The electrical diagrams were selected to represent all areas of HVACR, yet they are basic enough to be understood for the entry-level technician.

Unit 1 What You Need to Know to Understand Electricity
Unit 2 Ohm’s Law and Circuit Operation
Unit 3 Safe Use of Electrical Instruments
Unit 4 Electrical Fasteners
Unit 5 Power Distribution
Unit 6 National Electrical Code
Unit 7 Electrical Installation of HVACR
Unit 8 Transformers
Unit 9 Relays, Contactors, and Motor Starters
Unit 10 Capacitors
Unit 11 Thermostats
Unit 12 Pressure Switches
Unit 13 Miscellaneous Electrical Components
Unit 14 How Motors Work
Unit 15 Motor Types
Unit 16 ECM: The Green Motor
Unit 17 Understanding Electrical Diagrams
Unit 18 Resistors
Unit 19 Fundamentals of Solid-State Circuits
Unit 20 Taking the Mystery Out of Circuit Boards
Unit 21 Air Conditioning Systems
Unit 22Gas Heating Systems
Unit 23 Electric Heating Systems
Unit 24 Heat Pump Heating Systems
Unit 25 How to Start Electrical Troubleshooting
Unit 26 Basic Troubleshooting Techniques
Unit 27 Advanced Troubleshooting
Unit 28 Practical Troubleshooting
Instructor Support
Instructor’s Solutions Manual, ISBN-10: 0-13-512537-5
PowerPoint Slides, ISBN-10: 0-13-302725-2
Lab Manual, ISBN-10: 0-13-512536-7
MyTest, ISBN-10: 0-13-512576-6

Author’s email: zmoravek@aol.com

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