ACCA Initiates New Standard on HVAC System Design for
Energy Efficient Homes.
Will Provide Procedures to Design/Select HVAC Systems
and Equipment for Low-Load Homes.
The Air Conditioning Contractors of America Educational
Institute (ACCA-EI) Standards Task Team (STT) announced
that it has initiated the development of BSR/ACCA 16
Manual E-201x, “HVAC System Design for Energy Efficient
Homes” as a new industry standard.
ACCA said HVAC designers are increasingly encountering
energy-efficient homes, characterized by markedly
reduced heating and cooling loads, as a result of
numerous national initiatives like the energy
conservation code, the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency’s (EPA’s) Energy Star, the U.S. Department of
Energy’s (DOE’s) Zero Energy Ready program, and DOE’s
Builders Challenge.
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