ASHRAE Announces Certified HVAC Designer Launch.
announces that applications for the new
Certified HVAC Designer (CHD) certification are now
open. World-wide computer-based testing opens June 3.
“For a long time, the certification committee had
suspected an HVAC Designer certification would serve the
needs of members, but the ‘Industry Needs’ survey data
emphasized just how much need and demand there are,”
said Mark Fly, P.E., chair of the exam subcommittee.
“Launching a new certification program is a commitment,
but we’re confident this is an investment from which
ASHRAE members and their employees will benefit.”
The CHD exam blueprint and eligibility requirements,
which have been approved by the ASHRAE Certification
Committee, can be found in the
CHD Candidate Guidebook.
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The Certified HVAC Designer (CHD) certification
validates competency of the HVAC Designer, working under
the responsible charge of an engineer, to design HVAC
systems to meet building/project requirements,
• Load calculations
• Equipment selection and sizing
• Mechanical equipment room design
• Duct and piping design
• Layout for the development of HVAC plans for permit
and construction
The exam follows a 2018 industry-wide job analysis study
with data that was gathered from more than 1,200
respondents from over 60 countries. The CHD application
is currently open with a practice exam launching May 1.
For more information, visit
Founded in 1894, ASHRAE is a global leader in the
advancement of human well-being through sustainable
technology for the built environment. As an industry
leader in research, standards writing, publishing,
certification and continuing education, ASHRAE and its
members are committed to shaping tomorrow’s built
environment today through strategic partnerships with
organizations in the HVAC&R community and across related
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